Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ski Day

Sometimes Hannah will trip over her own shadow, but get her on a mountain and it's like she's lived there her whole life. A couple of years ago when she went skiing for the first time she pointed her skis down the mountain and flew (and I mean flew!) down. Matt and I were concerned that she would hurt herself or someone else so we told her to weave back and forth instead of going straight down. So the next trip down the mountain she weaved back and forth just like we told her to and guess what? She crashed right into some kid! We backed off and let her do it her way.

Cole is still getting the hang of it!

Kate is learning to speak, and very quickly I might add. Seldom a day goes by that she does not say a new word. Her most recent words include Honey, apple, juice and grandma. She still loves to cuddle. Hope she always will!